Sun. 25th of August 2024
14:00 - 18:00
Dance/Theatre Workshop
body and physical states /
"From poetry to movement"
Creative methods of our work in the performance
please scroll down for info
KirstenKjærs Museum
Frøstrup, Denmark
regular courses / regelmæssige kurser
Tirsdag / Tuesday
18 - 19.30
NEW start 12 Sept 2023
18 movements / 18 bevægelse
Frøstrup, Gl. Kro, Denmark
Storkevej 1 / indgang på siden
Onsdag / Wednesday
17 - 18.30
NEW start 20 Sept 2023
based on / baseret på Hatha Yoga
Frøstrup, Gl. Kro, Denmark
Storkevej 1 / indgang på siden
Du er velkommen til at deltage i en gratis prøvetime / You are welcome to join a free trial session
Danse Teater Workshop
Body and physical states/
From poetry to movement
Creative methods of our work in the performance
25 August 2024
14:-00 - 18:00
With: Victoria Hauke (choreographer, dancer) and Tatiana Zuccolotto (physical actress),
During this workshop we will explore some of the working principles used in our piece "do we pray enough".
Using improvisation methods, inspired by the japanese form of short poem, "Haiku", we create movements and text. All this material will be used to create a group improvisation.
In a playful training of physical and vocal awareness, we will let the Qi energy move us.
The training will guide us on how to move in a grounded and elastic way in space and how to use our voice in a joyful way.
For tilmelding eller spørgsmål, skriv venligst til:
For registration or questions, please write to:
Tilmeld dig venligst på forhånd / begrænsede pladser
Please register before hand / limited places
All who are interested are welcome. No previous experience needed.
280 kr (140 kr for under 25 år)
(incl. small breaks)
Language: English, a bit of Danish.
Kirsten Kjaers Museum, Langvadvej 64, 7741 Frøstrup
regular courses / regelmæssige kurser
Qigong "The 18 movements"
Tuesday 18 - 19.30, Frøstrup, Gl. Kro
Qigong is a chinese movement and health practise. It releases tension, improves the flexibility of muscles and joints, and allows the breath to flow with joy.
The slow and mindful movements unite body, mind and spirit.
Health is understood in Qigong as a state of harmony and balance in life and the proper flow of Qi. The practice of Qigong offers the oppotunity to shape one's well-being and general health in a benevolent and enjoyable way.
Language of instruction English and some Danish
(based on Hatha Yoga)
Wednesday 17 - 18.30, Frøstrup, Gl. Kro
The release of unnecessary tension and the grounding of the body brings the energy to flow more and lightness arises. Calmness and serenity get room to spread.
We start with basic asanas (yoga postures) of Hatha Yoga. Slowly we move into more complex postures. Everyone gets the opportunity and guidance to practice yoga according to their own ability.
In connection with the pleasurable breathing and stretching, we discover the "inner vastness" of the body and the energetic and meditative aspect of yoga.
(Please, if you have one, bring your own yoga-mat.)
Language of instruction English and some Danish
Qigong "De 18 bevægelser"
Tirsdag 18 - 19.30, Frøstrup, Gl. Kro
Qigong er en kinesisk bevægelses- og sundhedspraksis. Den frigør spændinger, forbedrer fleksibiliteten i muskler og led og giver åndedrættet mulighed for at flyde med glæde.
De langsomme og opmærksomme bevægelser forener krop, sind og ånd.
Sundhed forstås i Qigong som en tilstand af harmoni og balance i livet og en korrekt strøm af Qi. Ved at dyrke Qigong har man mulighed for at forme sit velvære og generelle helbred på en
velvillig og behagelig måde.
Undervisningssprog engelsk og en smule dansk
baseret på Hatha Yoga
Onsdag 17 - 18.30, Frøstrup, Gl. Kro
Frigørelsen af unødvendige spændinger og jordforbindelsen af kroppen får energien til at flyde mere og der opstår lethed. Rolighed og sindsro får plads til at brede sig.
Vi starter med grundlæggende asanas (yogastillinger) i Hatha Yoga. Langsomt bevæger vi os ind i mere komplekse stillinger. Alle får mulighed for og vejledning til at praktisere yoga efter egne
I forbindelse med den behagelige vejrtrækning og udstrækning opdager vi kroppens "indre vidde" og det energetiske og meditative aspekt af yoga.
(Medbring din egen måtte, hvis du har en.)
Undervisningssprog engelsk og en smule dansk
Priser Qigong og Yoga
Du er velkommen til at deltage i en gratis prøvetime
- 10 kort/850 kr/gyldig 12 måneder/du kan tage både Yoga og Qigong med denne billet
- Enkelt session: 100 dkr
- Reduktion for unge / elever, studerende / 10 kort 400 kr
Hvis du har spørgsmål, kan du skrive eller ringe:, +45 92 14 18 12
Prices Qigong and Yoga
You are welcome to join a free trial session
- 10 card/850 kr/valid 12 month/you can do both, Yoga and Qigong with this ticket
- Single session: 100 dkr
- Reduction for young people / pupils, students / 10 card 400kr
If you have questions, please write or call/, +45 92 14 18 12